Well, I was disappointed to see that many of the "Stop Silencing Christians" signs were removed this weekend from all around Lake Elsinore. However, I do admit that they stayed up much longer than I thought they would.
I went to McVicker park around March 22, after the plaque was supposed to be installed for Anthony Devaney. I saw a small pedestal but no plaque. I wonder if the ceremony marked where it would be, but it had not yet been finished or if someone already stole it and sold it for scrap metal? My heart goes out to AnnMarie Devaney. She seems like such a nice person to be willing to take down the cross to keep the peace. I respect her decision, after all, we are supposed to live peacefully with one another.
Though part of me wishes she had fought the American Humanist Association. We shouldn't just roll over while being stripped of our freedoms. The AHA is an extremist organization. Monica Miller's extracurricular interests include fighting for the full personhood of animals! Don't you love how liberals will kill a human baby without a second thought yet will die defending the rights of animals and the environment? Why should we allow a vocal minority to trample the Constitution and the intent of the framers and founders of this nation? They knew what they were doing when they wrote the documents of freedom. They knew we are created by God -- "endowed by our creator" isn't a reference to Darwin! They were establishing a government that did not have a state church like the church of England. Doesn't anyone know their history?
So what if the state endorses one religion over another? This nation was founded as a Christian nation. It's historical fact. Revisionists are attempting to remove all references to Jesus and God, but the references are many and varied. These references remain in capitol buildings, statues, songs, paintings, prayers, books, anthems, and all manner of expression. There is no requirement to equally represent all religions and beliefs or lack thereof. Public school teachers can teach the Biblical foundation of Easter and Christmas in their classrooms without mentioning competing ideals. (See http://www.gtbe.org) Public school students can distribute tracts about Jesus at school or pray without fear of reprisal. We still retain some religious rights, though the Supreme Court dutifully misinterprets law according to whichever president appointed the most judges who support his ideological stance. We are surely headed down a path of destruction because of the left-leaning judges appointed in the last few years. But until they make a majority, the ideals are split right along party lines. God bless those strong justices who fight for Biblical truth and remain faithful to the conservative ideals of our founding fathers.
It all comes down to what kind of nation is best? We are supposed to be a beacon of light, a city on a hill that illuminates truth, justice, liberty, equality, and moral right. If we compromise our integrity and revise our Constitution to accommodate every minority belief, then what makes us any different than any other nation who caters to their least common denominator? We should be strong and stand up for the Bible that separates us from other nations. This spiritual battle isn't about representing a diversity of beliefs. It's about preserving Christianity in a world bent on destroying it. Don't worry, though, if you read the Book, you know that God wins in the end.
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