Keep running the good race. Jesus said if the world hated him, the world will hate us. (John 15:18) We have to fight against the powers of darkness, even though they are relentless and never-ending. Jesus also said that "In the world you will have tribulation (trouble), but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) We have faith in the things not seen. We keep following him even though the world mocks us and condemns us. Even though the entire country seems to embrace gay marriage and abortion and every other sin that is forbidden in the Bible, we know that the Bible is right. What profit is it if you gain the world and lose your soul?
Keep fighting for what is right. Do not tire of pursuing truth and justice. Speak up and let your voice be heard. Don't let anyone tell you that you're hateful, bigoted, or prejudiced. Those are the lies of the devil. The devil hates gays and wants them to burn in hell. Christians love all people, no matter what sin they are caught up in. Jesus wants us to show the world his love. He wants all sinners to repent and come to him. The devil wants to kill, steal, and destroy. People mixed up in the gay lifestyle, those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, families splitting up, kids selling themselves on the streets, and dead babies all fulfill Satan's goals. Stand up for Jesus!
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