Thursday, April 24, 2014

Some Posters Still Up!

The "Stop Silencing Christians" posters are still up throughout Lake Elsinore. I noticed that many have been taken down, but some still remain, even on the same telephone pole as ones that were removed. This leads me to believe that people may be taking them because they like them or agree with them, not because they want them down.

If you see one of these posters, grab it off the telephone pole and take it home. Photocopy it, hand them out to your friends, post them yourself. I think we should plaster the entire county. I hope they become like the "Andre the Giant" slap tags that graced signs across the country. Fight against the backlash that silences Christians. You have the right to donate to something like Prop 8 and not lose your job. You should be able to refuse to serve anyone whose lifestyle the Bible condemns. You can speak up against the travesties committed by the government and protest when it oversteps its constitutional authority. The Constitution itself demands you do this!

What kind of country has this become? Stand up for your rights or you will lose them forever.

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