Friday, March 14, 2014

What if God is Real?

Why fear Christianity? What would come of a worldwide movement to embrace the Bible? People who turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and love their neighbors as themselves? What is so offensive about the cross that it elicits such a backlash?

Some may feel that Christianity represents white Western influence. They cite the Crusades, unequal treatment of women, the discrimination against homosexuals. First, just because man is not always faithful to the Bible does not mean that the Bible promotes indiscriminate murder. The Crusades were carried out by men who believed they were doing right, just as Abraham and Sarah believed they should help God out by involving Hagar in God’s plan for them. The consequences showed their errors.

Just as people misapplied Christian principles in the Crusades, people have continued to misapply them throughout history. Nazi propaganda depicted Hitler and Jesus riding their horses to victory together. But that is not a true representation of the Bible. The proof is in the Bible. When one reads the Bible, one sees God’s promise to humanity. No one can argue the Bible who hasn’t read the whole book from beginning to end.

The Bible also condemns racial discrimination because we are brothers and sisters. He does have roles for men and women, but that does not make woman inferior to man. The Bible does condemn homosexuality. I can't argue against that. However, God loves all sinners, and we are all sinners. He wants us to stop sinning. I know people say that gays are born that way, but maybe in God's plan, that is meant to be something to be overcome. Instead of instinctively lashing out against that, just think about it and imagine not embracing homosexuality. Imagine just the possibility that God is real and says homosexuality is wrong. Then what?

Reading the entire Bible provides the context in which God acts and demonstrates his love for humanity. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Everything that happens later is foreshadowed earlier. God creates all of creation then creates man. Man sins. God punishes. Jesus redeems. Man continues to reject God despite all of God’s chances, which is where we are now. Biblical prophecy has been one hundred percent accurate so far, unlike any other predictions, premonitions, or forecasts. We know what’s coming because the Bible tells us. We still have a chance to turn from our wicked ways. But when the signs begin to indicate that the end is near, then we will see what happens. Those who read the Bible know how it ends.

Whenever I begin to feel uncertain about God or his promises in the Bible, my constant reassurance is the impossibility of the Bible correctly predicting what would happen in modern times if it were not authored by a divine being.

The Bible predicted great apostasy, or falling away, from God. (2 Thessalonians 2) He knew that love would diminish in this world and detailed the ways in which this would occur. (Matthew 24:13) He foretold the “lukewarm” churches who fail to differentiate between right and wrong. (Revelation 3:14-22) He warned of false teachers and those promoting false doctrine, (Matthew 7:15) those who “tickle the ears.”(2 Timothy 4:3) He even described which countries would form alliances in the last days, (Ezekiel 38-39) which is especially relevant in this post-Cold War era where Russia is again emerging as a threat. If you are confused about what is happening now, or wondering about all the unrest and war around the world, then turn to the Bible for answers.

I know it’s difficult to accept the creation story when evolution has been drummed into your head since kindergarten. I know it’s hard to believe that God delivered the Jewish people from Pharaoh with miracles. I know it’s weird to think the earth is just over 6,000 years old when science says it has proven that it is millions. I know you can’t imagine a fish swallowing a person who emerges alive three days later, or that it seems impossible that Jesus died and rose from the dead. But imagine if it’s all true? Then where would you be? What would your life be like if you knew the story of humanity and God’s plan for salvation? What if God is good and he is the only chance you have? What if hell is real and when you die, you find out? Well, you are going to die, and you are going to find out.
Image Credit: I do not own this image, it is publicly available on the Internet.

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