When people talk about freedom, they often mean the freedom of all to believe whatever they want. The discussion rarely addresses the freedoms of Christians. In fact, public outcry resounds when anyone expresses their Christian views. The flap over Duck Dynasty's star defending Christianity and condemning homosexuality illustrates this well. But what about Chick-Fil-A, or the Miss America contestant slammed for stating her beliefs? There is a rabid attack against any Christian expressing his or her belief. It's all glossed over, but think about it - why the disproportionate response? Why would someone get so angry just because a person doesn't accept a certain lifestyle? They just said they didn't think it was right, or that the Bible says that it's wrong. Who cares what some Christian thinks if you aren't Christian? Why is their approval so necessary?
In Lake Elsinore, there was great public outcry over the American Humanist Association demanding that a grieving mom remove the roadside cross for her son. Why the fierce opposition to the cross? "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18) They are literally DYING for attention. Without God, they have nothing else to live for. Interesting that in clawing for recognition and acclaim as desperately as they are, they are alienating a great majority of people who see their antics as extremist and insensitive. Even atheists in the newspaper and Internet are commenting that they've gone too far! Fancy that!
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